Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
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Welcome to Savanna School District's online enrollment page.

This site allows you to enroll your child at one of the four Savanna School District schools or the preschool program at: Cerritos, Hansen, Holder, or Twila Reid.

The site is set up to automatically enroll your child into a school, based on your address.  

If you would like your child to attend a different school and are within the school district's boundaries, you will need to apply for an intra-district transfer;  however please first enroll your child through this site (and he/she will be assigned to his/her home school). Then, you may contact the school office to continue the process for the transfer.

If your child has been approved for services through an IEP or 504 Plan, please contact the District Office at 714-236-3800 and ask for Alex Reyes prior to enrolling your child using this site.

Thank you!